Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de China | FCN

he 2024 Members’ Spring Breakfast, organized by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in South China, was held in Guangzhou on March 8th, 2024. 

Four of our board members and over 20 representatives from interested companies joined the conversation, contributing their advice to further cultivate growth and foster synergy within the Spanish commercial community in South China.


We had the honor of inviting Mr. Jaime Lorenzo, Chief Economic & Commercial Counselor of Spain in Canton, to share his insights on economic development between China and Spain. 

During the breakfast, Mr. Lorenzo actively engaged with the attendees, offering valuable insights into the current investment and trade dynamics between China and Spain. He emphasized his strong dedication to fostering closer economic ties between the two nations.

我们有幸邀请到西班牙驻广州经济商务参赞Mr. Jaime Lorenzo先生,分享他对中西经济发展的见解。
早餐活动期间,Mr. Lorenzo 积极与与会者互动,对当前中西投资和贸易动态提出了宝贵的见解。他强调西班牙驻华商务部门致力于促进两国之间更紧密的经济联系。
In the end, thanks everyone for attending the event! We welcome more companies, entrepreneurs to join Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China. Regardless to years of experience in China and/or local enterprises developing business with intention to explore the Spanish market. 
We would like to seek synergies between members, provide specialized services, as well as promote business by events, business matching in both Chinese and Spanish Market. 

Desde 2000 siendo referentes en la ayuda a empresas y particulares de ambos países.

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